The Judge of the Court 3 Division of the Federal High Court Abuja, Justice John Tsoho has recently been on the focus of International communities and other
Human Rights Organisations especially ever since it has become certain through his actions, that he was bought over by the Buhari-led Federal government to twist and truncate justice in the case of the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra(IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu.

His handling the outrageous case of "treasonable felony" preferred against Kanu by the insensitive APC government, had lots of judicial twists and manoeuvering as he bare facedly neglected the previous rulings of other competent courts that granted Nnamdi Kanu bail on two different occasions.

Those previous court rulings in favour of Nnamdi Kanu automatically infuriated Buhari who spared no time to boast to the world in his presidential media chart that Nnamdi Kanu will not be granted bail even if the court says otherwise.


It took Muhammadu Buhari's administration
some chunk of good time and money to shop and bargain for a pleasing judge of the same feather to handle the case to their dictates and favour.

When John Tsoho came, he punitively denied Nnamdi Kanu the right other previous judges had given him, and remanded him in prison custody to this day!

Ever since then, the world have been watching to see the difference John Tsoho would make out of the case that have been presided over by other judges before him. Rather, what we see is the inconsistent, and arbitrary postponements of the case from one month to another, just to please his master at Aso-Rock who has vowed that Kanu will not be released from prison.

It is therefore not hidden that Justice Tsoho is merely acting Buhari's script and that has automatically disqualified him from being a judge.
We all know the characteristics of good judges which includes impartial decision-making in the pursuit of justice. John Tsoho unfortunately lacked this quality!

There have been speculations that Buhari not only bought John Tsoho with a paltry amount of the public fund, including a promise to give him a higher position if he could pin Nnamdi Kanu. This is not the characteristics of a good judge.

John Tsoho's actions are centred on the monetary and positional compensation and not based on the facts on ground. This unprofessional ethics of such a coveted office, in my humble submission, is that John Tsoho have messed up his profession, and dragged the respected name of judiciary into the mud and public ridicule by playing Muhammad Buhari's script. He should not have neglected the rulings of other courts before him, and acted holier than thou when actually he is under mask aiding and abetting corruption right there in the judicial chamber!

Read also:Editorial:The Need For NJC To Rid The Judiciary Of Filth: John Tsoho Must Be Investigated

I call on the Nigeria Bar Association, Legal Councils, and other competent luminaries  of good conscience to join hands together to say ‘No’ to people like John Tsoho who are out to tarnish the image of the judiciary just for a mere cash rewards. He has acted like the Biblical Balaam and must be removed before he spreads his contagious filthiness to other upright judges.

In every country of the world, the judiciary are made to be independent from the three arms of government, after the executive and the legislative, purposely to prevent the executive from using the judiciary to achieve its selfish purposes as we witness in Nigeria where anybody who is a critic to the government is hunted down with impunity!

For John Tsoho to have acted Buhari's errand boy instead of being a judge, have discredited him from being a judge in Nnamdi Kanu's case and should resign honourably before he is forced out dishonorably.


Written By Ezza Heritage.
Edited By Chukwuemeka Chimerue
Published By Nwosu C.S
For Biafra Writers

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